Вторник | 18 Февруари 2025 г.

OSS workshop

OSS workshop - 23.03.2021

  OSS vs.COVID-19

During the on-line workshop about the measures and initiatives, OSS partner regions presented good practices, applied in order to support their startups and SMEs.

The session was very interesting because the analysis that the Advisory partner was prepared showed that all of partners face similar difficulties and challenges but applied different approaches and methods.

The main idea of the workshop was to support the learning process and contribute for improving the situation with first line services for startups and SMEs in conditions of COVID-19. Limited face -to -face communication, digital solutions, some challenges, financial tools for supporting the survival of entrepreneurs, regional specification and measures that have been applied.

Bulgarian good practice was the Clock House – Sofia Tech Park experience in supporting SMEs and startups using the equipment and experts for on-line events, meetings, discussions and support.

The governmental support for SMEs to survive was ensured by the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness”2014-2020 by several financial schemes for micro, small, medium enterprises using the system for e-application.

All of participants received knowledge and ideas also for the post COVID-19 period of organizing the services for SMEs and especially in digital capabilities and opportunities that should be utilized.

24-03-2021 | виж всички новини | Принтирай Изпрати

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