Четвъртък | 16 Януари 2025 г.

ОSS project/PGI05501 OSS “One Stop Shop towards Competitive SMEs, focusing on the ecosystem for first line service system”

Project duration: 
Phase 1: 1.06.2018-31.05.2021-36 months
Phase 2: 1.06.2021-31.05.2023-24 months

Project partners:
PP1: Norway – Lead Partner – Møre and Romsdal County Council
PP2: Great Britain – Partner – WSX Enterprise, Hampshire, Wessex Region
PP3: Bulgaria – Partner – Agency for Regional and Economic Development, Vratsa district
PP4: Spain – Partner – Provincial Council of Granada
PP5: Slovenia – Partner – BSC, Business Support Centre Ltd, Kranj, Gorenjska
PP6: Poland – Partner and Communication Manager – RRDA, Rzeszow, Podkarpackie region
PP7: Belgium – Advisory Partner – Artesis Plantijn College Antwerp

Project abstract: 
Europe has a lower rate of start-ups compared with other parts of the world, e.g. US and Asia. Europe has to perceive as attractive for creative and young people. There is a need to offer attractive jobs and places to live, and to boost entrepreneur’s spirit before young people are leaving our regions. We thus need to develop
An attractive tailor-made ecosystem for start-ups to improve SMEs growth, entrepreneur skills and to overcome defined barriers. The partners have define that collaboration with commitment, and willingness to invest in long-term policy is important for to increase the number and quality of start-ups in their region.

The OSS project will work towards the main objective; Improve policies for SMEs competitiveness by enhancing advisory support services for first time entrepreneurs. OSS want to build a complete ecosystem for the entrepreneur starting new business. Every partner will contribute with an expertise and best
Practices from their First Line Service (FLS) system, and when OSS is finished, the Toolbox of experience and expertise will be presented.

Together, OSS will enhance an advisory support service adapted to the needs of the entrepreneur. With the experience in each partner’s policy, and stakeholders from different levels to participate in changing the policy affecting our main objective, we anticipate to change the different regions advisory services. 

OSS will look at the possibility to make the advisory services more assessable with the evolvement of digital capabilities.

OSS aim to address these topics; FLS system as a complete ecosystem; digital capabilities, mentoring and collaboration between start-ups and business, collaboration between different levels of governance, access to finance, and business incubation.
All the activities are created to enhance added value for the entrepreneurs and to increase the user satisfaction towards the advisory system in each region. OSS will create change through change in policy.

Policy instrument addressed for Bulgaria: Operational programme “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020
Priority Axis 2: Entrepreneurship and capacity for growing of SMEs
In compliance with thematic objective 3, Investment priority 3a is foreseen to support promotion of entrepreneurship and facilitation of the access to funding for enterprises.
Specific objective 2.1: Improvement of SMEs survival rate, incl. through promotion of entrepreneurship
One of the main feathers is to improve the access to the entrepreneurship ecosystem by supporting financial instruments; promoting equity and quasi-equity investments for start-ups; venture capital funds, private capitals, shares. The 2nd one is promoting entrepreneurial ideas in areas related to the European and regional challenges. Support is also envisaged for ideas to be implemented by following categories of entrepreneurs: women start-ups, persons under 29 and people aged over 50 starting their own businesses. The amount of expected to be affected by this project is 600 000 €.

Why improve?
The PI should be improved towards more support to underdeveloped regions especially fostering start-ups and facilitating their survival.
The survival rate of newly established businesses is foreseen to reach 77% till 2023 vs.74,5% in2012.

Responsible body for the Policy Instrument: Ministry of Economy 
EU funds directorate general

How to improve the policy instrument?:

Through new projects:
To find solutions for implementing of the first line services (FLS) system–helping start-ups to be established more efficiently. Encouraging the start-ups of new businesses and ensure their survival, by introducing an enhanced ecosystem for the FLS system 
Innovative measures for improvement of the services for start-ups in the OP

Through improved governance:
Improvement of monitoring and management process for PI implementation
Improvement of communication and coordination between key actors in the ecosystem for start-ups
Participation in the consultancy process for the program –innovative measures for supporting first line services for start-ups 
Improve the measures that support the Regional Smart Specialization –Regional development plan 

Through structural change:
Modification of relevant measures in OP promoting entrepreneurship

01-06-2018 | виж всички новини | Принтирай Изпрати

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